The back of my ears look funny.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday Dec 17th, 2010 Ugly Sweater Day
What could be uglier than a Santa sock monkey Christmas sweater? Actually I made a second sweater for my friend Lori that was beautifully hideous but I neglected to get a photo. I will have to soon! I wore this for Ugly sweater day at work. I was told I couldn't win because it was too cute. On a side note I was voted runner up for employee of the year at our shop, makes me feel all squishy to have such an honor.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Friday Dec 10th, 2010 - Christmas Card

Friday Dec 10th, 2010
I had to wait a few days to post this to make sure the recipient got it in the mail first :-)
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
November 26th, 2010 - Professor Bodywise's Traveling Menagerie
November 26th, 2010 - Professor Bodywise's Traveling Menagerie
I acquired this poster as a kid probably from some health fair or school. I took a picture of it a while back because we found it in some stuff in the garage. I forgot about it until this week when I was emptying out my camera flash card then I realized, This poster probably played a huge part in what I am today. I had and still have no idea what it was for, but I remember staring at this thing for yeeears amazed at how really cool all the costumes and characters were. Thank you, Professor Bodywise.
Friday, November 19, 2010
November 19th, 2010 - Dry Cat Food
Our cat Turkey gets a can of wet food once a week. She usually gets it when her dry cat food bowl is empty. This has resulted in her eating faster and faster every week to get to the wet food. This week I decided to throw her off her game and didn't give her the expected wet food.
this is exactly what happened:
this is exactly what happened:
Friday, November 12, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
October 29th, Meat Heads
Let's just say this weeks item was a performance art kind of thing. I made these creepy meat heads for my work's "Rot-luck" lunch fest. It was a sandwich tray that included red mayo and green mustard. I used cream cheese to hold the meat in place worked great! Id probably dye the cheese next time I do it though for some more creep factor.
PS, for work halloween I was The STRONG MAN(dy). get it?!?
Friday, October 22, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
October 8th, 2010 - Lazy Eye
I went to the eye doctor last week and the woman told me I had a bit of a lazy eye.
I apologized and said I would give it a talking to when I got home. Now I get fancy
driving glasses to make up for Lefty's lack of motivation.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Under the sea Mural
I finished this mural a few weeks ago but didn't have a chance to document the final until today. It was a commission piece for a little girls room, Im working on a second one right now for two boys of a space scene, yes it totally will have space monkeys.
Here is the original mural idea, I didnt stray much in the final other than the awesome sea sock monkey (that was the little girls idea. Smart kid.) Behind the cut are some of the photos I took while in the process of painting, enjoy!
Here is the original mural idea, I didnt stray much in the final other than the awesome sea sock monkey (that was the little girls idea. Smart kid.) Behind the cut are some of the photos I took while in the process of painting, enjoy!
Friday, October 1, 2010
October 1, 2010 - The hypocrite

THE STORY: we moved to an adorable little place a few months ago. The neighbors all have dogs and are really friendly. When we first moved in, our neighbor introduced herself to us and warned us that there was an older woman who lived upstairs that didn't like if you let your dog do its business in the grass. She said everyone else was totally cool with it so really, if you just didn't do it in front of her house and cleaned up after yourself everywhere else there would be no problems.
So about 2 weeks agos I took Izzy out with me when going to check the mail and while I was sifting through junk mail Izzy found it a nice time to do her business. Just as I had finished cleaning up the "business" our friendly neighborhood cranky lady turned the corner and had a cow. She ranted about how I shouldnt let my dog go there and that I needed to pick it up ( it was already in a little baggie). (( I also forgot to mention that prior to this Justin was walking Izzy on the sidewalk and she had a fit to him about not letting her go on the grass when he was just walking her for exercise))
Ever since those lovely incounters I have made sure to keep my distance from the woman and even cleaned up poop I found that wasnt our dogs just to keep her happy. This Tuesday Justin was leaving for work, and as he turned the corner to pass the mailboxes he saw the cranky lady standing by the mailboxes. Guess what she had? a new dog. and guess what that dog was doing? POOPING IN THE GRASS. the exact spot that she freaked out on me for letting Izzy go.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Fashion Forward Izzy Dog
We have had Izzy since May. It was only a matter of time before my sewing itch would kick in and she would have to start wearing more fashionable things. I noticed that her collar seemed pretty easy to make so after a quick visit to the craft store I sewed up a fancy new collar for her. The possibilites are endless now. Thanksgiving? Christmas? Easter? oh yes my friends, oh yes....
Friday, September 17, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
The beginning
"One year of non-ordinary, extraordinary communication with family" - EG
I was approached by my fantastically creative Aunt EG to take place in a weekly art exchange for one year. Everyday of the week she will make a piece of art for one person in my family, and in return we will send her something we have made. My exchange day is Friday. This is a blog to document my Friday pieces and keep you up to date with anything else that happens to pop up along the way.
Things you might see: Photography, Fabric, Toys, Paintings, Yarn things, Lego, and a dog named Izzy.
If you would like to see what everyone else is making check out her blog at:
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