Friday, November 26, 2010

November 26th, 2010 - Professor Bodywise's Traveling Menagerie

November 26th, 2010 - Professor Bodywise's Traveling Menagerie

I acquired this poster as a kid probably from some health fair or school. I took a picture of it a while back because we found it in some stuff in the garage. I forgot about it until this week when I was emptying out my camera flash card then I realized, This poster probably played a huge part in what I am today. I had and still have no idea what it was for, but I remember staring at this thing for yeeears amazed at how really cool all the costumes and characters were.  Thank you, Professor Bodywise.

Friday, November 19, 2010

November 19th, 2010 - Dry Cat Food

Our cat Turkey gets a can of wet food once a week. She usually gets it when her dry cat food bowl is empty. This has resulted in her eating faster and faster every week to get to the wet food. This week I decided to throw her off her game and didn't give her the expected wet food.

 this is exactly what happened: 

Friday, November 12, 2010

November 12, 2010

November 12th, 2010

It took me 5 hours to clean my desk at work today. Five. Hours. 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

November 5th, 2010

It's November, you know what that means? its Bacon season. This year i'm introducing a new breakfast item, deviled eggs!